Donation Account




此為 CBETA 專戶,若欲指定特殊用途者,請特別註明,我們會專款專用。

Online Credit Card / PayPal donation

PayPal is an online system of a global payment solution. CBETA uses its service to provide the uses to donate by using the credit cards or PayPal account to support the CBETA project.

Since the donation made is in US currency, hence all the receipts will be issued in the US dollars consequently. However for the domestic donators, a Chinese official receipt will also be made according to the foreign exchange rate for the purpose of tax deduction.

For the first time users please visit the Instruction(in Chinese)

For the online Credit Card / PayPal donation  劃撥帳號 / 信用卡 / PayPal / 支票捐款 劃撥帳號 / 信用卡 / PayPal / 支票捐款



For Donation:

CBETA is part of Seeland Educational projects, any donation please entitle to The Seeland Education Foundation.