Org. Setup
Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association
Committee─Executive member─Director─Exec. Advisor─Advisors group
Deputy Director Deputy Director
┌Research & Development group
├Information services group
├Rare Characters group
├Input group
├Proofreading group
├Network group
├Distribution group
└Bookkeeping group
Scetch of the functions of these entities:
- Group of Advisors: Formed of Senior Monks and from Academic Institutions.
- Committee: This Association is setup as a committee.
- Ececutive Member: A representative of the committee to supervise the daily activities.
- Director: The committee appoints one member as director to direct all affairs of the Association.
- Deputy directors: Two deputy directors are appointed to assist the director.
- Manager: Coordination of the efforts of the different groups and public relations is the responsiblity of the Manager.
- Research & Development group: Propose the overall project structure, while taking in account latest developments in the information technology and academical world under a long-term perspective.
- Information services group: Development of programs for use on single computers and networks.
- Rare character group: Development of techniques to handle non-system characters.
- Input group: Responsible for the scheduling and implementation of input.
- Proofreading group: Onscreen and onpaper proofreading of the texts.
- Network group: Responsible for making the results of the work of different groups available on the internet.
- Distribution group: Responsible for marketing and distribution of the product.
- Bookkeeping: Management of the financial resources.
▶▶▶ (Online) [List of attendants of the founding meeting (Feb 15th)]