Abbreviations and Explanations of the Text Collated


本表依《大正藏》書末略符表而作。略符表雖僅舉甲、乙、丙為例說明,惟其餘當可依此類推,如書中實例及以丁、戊、己。丁、戊、己三例,於「說明」欄中兼載出現冊別。▶▶▶ (按此測試電腦是否可以正確顯示 Unicode 日文字)

   說   明
【原】 (The MS. or book on which the printed text is based.)
【甲】 (The first text collated.)
【乙】 (The second text collated.)
【丙】 (The third text collated.)
闕略 【丁】 T18、T20、T21、T43、T47、T51、T85
闕略 【戊】 T43、T47、T51
闕略 【己】 T43、T47、T51

底本又ハ對校本註記ノ校異 (A varius reading given in a note of the original text or the text collated.)

CBETA按:「底本」或某一「校對本」有註記說在其他本有不同字 (校異)


(a) 底本註記ニ止一本作正トアルヲ 止=正イ【原】 (i.e. In the original text (MS. or book) it is noted that a text reads 正 for 止)

(b) 對校本 a 註記ニ止一本無トアルヲ 〔止〕イ-【甲】 (i.e. In the first text collated it is noted that 止 is wanting in a text)

底本又ハ對校本註記ノ考偽 (A correction given in a note of the original text or the text collated.)

CBETA按:「底本」或某一「校對本」的註記中所作的勘誤 (考偽)


(a) 底本註記ニ捐疑損歟トアルヲ 捐=損カ【原】 (i.e. In the original text (MS. or book) it is noted that 捐 may be a mistake for 損)

(b) 對校本註記ニ如下疑有是字歟トアルヲ 如+(是)カ【乙】 (i.e. In the second text collated it is noted that 是 is to be read under 如)

本藏校合者ノ考偽 朋=明? (i. e. An editiorial note: -明 to be read for 朋?)